Inner Beauty

Inner Beauty

Finding a way to be better, think positive and give ourselves affection is the philosophy of KUMIKO, considering personal care in a comprehensive way, from the inside out. Trying to look good is directly related to how we feel and self-love: when you make it yours, it is reflected in all aspects of life...


Building beauty from within becomes a lifestyle that highlights the individuality and essence of each one. An invitation to dedicate time, to love ourselves first, to be able to love others... Through a well-being routine, it is possible, with the first dermocosmetic line that combines mesotherapy, Japanese Matcha Tea and technology encapsulated in multi-functional formulas. action, with the ability to penetrate the dermis and achieve a healthy and radiant appearance of the skin. In essence, that is the gift and meaning of KUMIKO: to help find the 'eternal beauty'.

Catalina Aguirre, CEO and co-founder of KUMIKO, is convinced of this concept: “In my experience as a cosmetologist and head of a skincare brand, I have realized that people are not only looking for a formula to look better, they also do it as a way to feel good, to improve their mood and to give each other affection. And delivering that is being able to give a fundamental space that, as human beings, we not only want, but also need. The concern for beauty and how we look could be considered by many as a merely superficial act, but I think it's the opposite. Wanting to look good is directly related to how we feel and self-love: when you feel it, you not only reflect it on your skin, how you dress or how you look, but also in all aspects of life, and it begins to There must be an order, both in the workplace, as well as in the personal or family”.

The KUMIKO philosophy always approaches self-care holistically, considering all other factors that drive well-being, such as eating healthy, exercising, and giving space for personal reflection.

“It is not a matter of following established canons of beauty -which, moreover, vary over time and in different cultures-, to adjust to something external. It is necessary to highlight the individuality, the essence of each one and, that, reflect it to generate a balance where the internal is combined with the external”, explains Cata Aguirre.

Precisely, this concept of balance between internal and physical well-being has gained special relevance in recent years, particularly during the pandemic, where the importance of health became clear and has pushed many to deepen their care. Without a doubt, this is one of the changes that has come to stay; dedicate more time to ourselves, to take care of ourselves, to think about what we need and, from there, to be fuller people.

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